Artist Blog #3
I’ve named this collection Illuminance.
Hi and welcome,
Building momentum with my 30 painting portfolio has been slow but I am moving forwards which is exactly where I want to be headed. Take a look at the art supplies I use for all my mixed media artwork.
I’ve named this collection Illuminance.
My intention with all these paintings is to have a commonality throughout them all. One of these common threads is the subject matter. If you’ve been following my work for a while you may have noticed that the majority of all my art that I have ever created right from the beginning have all included a forest, woodland, trees and most of the time streams or a pool of water within a wooded area. There is something that clearly draws me time and time again to paint such scenes. I think it’s because of how I feel when I am in that space…I feel so at peace and an expansion happens within me. So painting such scenes reminds me of this feeling. It speaks to my soul.
What business aspects have I been working on?
This week I took a course via Skillshare to learn how best to use Pinterest for business and how to implement a Pinterest marketing strategy. I know Pinterest is a great platform to drive traffic to your website or wherever you want your customers to end up. For me, I want them to mainly end up at my website and equally to my YouTube channel. A secondary direction for my customers to head to would be to my Instagram account but that is not going to be my main focus. This week I created a variety of Pinterest pins for my art blogs, artwork that is available to purchase and my vlogs. The pin templates were created on Canva. Canva is incredibly useful and I use it for so many things, such as my Youtube thumbnails, end and intro videos, pins for Pinterest and Instagram posts. This week I also signed up to Tailwind which is an app that will schedule these pins to be posted throughout the days, weeks and months. This will save me a lot of time in the end. So after some research on how to best use Pinterest I now have a better understanding of this platform. I have used Pinterest before for my business but I was using it infrequently which doesn’t do much with the traction you get if you were to have a more consistent approach. I am aiming to upload pins daily via Tailwind and I will be keeping an eye on the stats to see which pins or more successful than others and build the pins refinement that way. So watch this space!
Capturing this beautiful day out in Woodbridge.
It’s good to recharge your energy with being outside by the water or amongst the woods.
Work in progress of painting 10 of my portfolio.
I found at this stage the painting looked flat so I ended up lightening the background to create distance which ended up improving the depth immensely. The link above will take you to my vlog with the whole process.