Flying Without Sight


Wednesday 24th February 2021

‘I am powerful, I am strong’

I went into a deep meditation for 30 minutes before bed to get myself into a good mindset before my OBE and I woke at 1am. After getting up to go to the bathroom I then repeated ‘I am strong, I am flying, I am out of body’ before I went back to sleep. Like the previous experience, I was again dreaming and sensed the electricity flowing in my physical body so I focused my attention on my toes then move it to my foot and I said in my mind ‘I am flying’. Straight away I floated out of my body and rushed through the white tunnel/portal in a blur. Then I felt I was flying very fast but not being able to see anything. Just a white haze around me but it felt exhilarating none the less. I said ‘Take me to Nirvana’ and I continued flying, sensing the motion and feeling excited and free as I sense the vastness around me. After a few moments I could make out foliage underneath me going past in almost a white blur. I felt so happy and I remember saying ‘I am powerful, I am strong’. I felt these affirmations were vibrating through me with such power as I was saying them out loud. It was amazing. I wanted to change my surroundings before I would get pinged back in my body so I requested to go to Andromeda but I run out of steam and got pinged back before anything happened.

Moving forwards I really need to demand clarity or awareness with great intention next time as I understand from other peoples experiences that this will work for me. Taking the time to meditate before bed really helped with a more positive experience. I feel this is going to be a ritual of mine.

Hannah Miller

I create mixed media art with a whimsical essence that is inspired by Mother Nature’s realm in all her majestic beauty. For the sole purpose of awakening our innate curiosity and sense of wonder in the hope of expanding our hearts, enlightening our souls and enriching our lives.

‘Welcome Hannah’


Moving From a Dream to Astral Projection