Pink Elephant


I have been keeping a journal of my dreams to improve my recall and I noticed a theme in a few of them. Now I have been single for a while and I am very much content with my life so I have no interest in dating, however some of the dreams may contradict that statement. Is my subconscious trying to tell me something? So I asked out loud ‘show me a pink elephant if I should be active and open to dating or show me a blue elephant if I should continue as I am’.

A week later I saw someone on Facebook recommend this spiritual teacher on YouTube. I took a look and I watched one of her videos. Halfway through her talking about collective consciousness she says a well known phrase incorrectly. Rather than say ‘The elephant in the room’ instead she says ‘The pink elephant in the room’.

I know that these aren’t coincidences. From the whole experience of my first sign back in December 2020 with the angel with pink wings and the thought that was planted in my mind of where to find my sign. I knew something was communicating with me from the very beginning.

Hannah Miller

I create mixed media art with a whimsical essence that is inspired by Mother Nature’s realm in all her majestic beauty. For the sole purpose of awakening our innate curiosity and sense of wonder in the hope of expanding our hearts, enlightening our souls and enriching our lives.

Pink Cactus


What the w.i.l.d. had to offer