Pink Feather


It was before Christmas and after seeing feathers fall in front of me pretty much on a daily basis and finding them randomly in odd places at a time where I was feeling a bit lost, I decided to ask out loud to the universe/Source if I am being supported and guided through life with a spirit guide or guardian angel. If I was then to show me a pink feather.

I soon forgot about this and it was about two weeks later I had finished a meditation session at home and as I came to and opened my eyes I suddenly remembered the sign I had asked for. At that moment a thought popped into my head which and it said ‘look at the present from Alison and Lionel’. This thought that came into my head was not my own. It was clear, out of nowhere and very matter of fact. When that thought came into my consciousness I knew within in me that I was going to find the sign I had asked for. Alison and Lionel are clients of mine and they had given me a Christmas gift a few days ago. So I opened the gift and inside was a white knitted angel with pink wings.

I couldn’t believe it! I knew this wasn’t just a coincidence. The fact that I was told where to look, I was given the sign I had asked for and at the same time I was being told that I have an angel guiding me.

This one event was a huge turning point in my life. It was such a mind-blowing experience that it encouraged me to ask for more signs to questions I needed answering and it also gave me great comfort and peacefulness that we all are being guided. We just need to ask for their assistance.

Hannah Miller

I create mixed media art with a whimsical essence that is inspired by Mother Nature’s realm in all her majestic beauty. For the sole purpose of awakening our innate curiosity and sense of wonder in the hope of expanding our hearts, enlightening our souls and enriching our lives.

Kingfisher and a Red Ball


This Morning I Had My Second OBE